Always Consider and be:
- Consistent with applicable Government guidelines and regulations.
- Protective of yourself and everyone around you.
Work place during the Covid-19
Health and Safety requirements:
- Promote healthy hygiene practices such as hand washing and wearing approved mask as feasible.
- Sanitise your hands on every arrival and on every departure.
- Have your temperature taken and recorded every morning on arrival.
- Use hand gloves where feasible.
- Intensify cleaning, disinfection, and ventilation.
- Encourage and observe social distancing and enhance spacing, including through respecting layout of work spaces, encouraging electronic and telework, closing out or limiting access to communal spaces, staggering shifts and breaks, limiting physical meetings and avoiding large events when and where feasible.
- Constantly remind yourself about health and safety protocols.
- Implement procedures to check for signs and symptoms of NARE Staff daily upon arrival, and clients as feasible.
- Encourage anyone who is sick or has any symptoms [coughing, flu, difficulty in breathing, high temperature] to stay home.
- Plan for evacuation if a member of staff gets sick.
- Plan to work from home should that arise with approval.
- Regularly communicate and monitor developments with national and local authorities as well as colleagues at work.
- Monitor staff absences and have flexible absent policies and practices in instances of one not feeling well.
- Be ready to consult with the health authorities if there are cases in the building or around you or cases in the common work-related places such as Courts and Registries.